866.388.7277 info@soundnine.com

Soundnine Inc. (S9) was founded in 2011 and is led by ex-Sea-Bird Electronics colleagues Darius Miller and Doug Bennett.

We make our business helping others create successful monitoring systems. We focus on producing complete, reliable and cost-competitive electronics and software solutions to the challenges of getting real-time environmental data all the way from the sensor to the user’s desk top. Thus, we enable more researchers, resource managers, regional stakeholders, instrument manufacturers and integrators to build and sustain high quality yet custom-tailored monitoring systems. Costs are reduced by combining S9’s commercially manufactured and widely supported solutions with local fabrication, assembly and logistical resources.

We have three decades of combined experience and expertise in oceanographic instrument design and its application to ocean measurement platforms. Our experience gained as advisors, collaborators, instrumentation suppliers and service providers to US and International mooring programs including TAO/Triton, DART, CBIBS, COMPS, GoMOOS, RAPID, POSEIDON, PIRATA, and many other regional and local systems gives us a uniquely informed perspective that underpins the development of the DANTE System and our ability to serve our customers.

Bio: DARIUS MILLER, President, Founder

Darius earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He served as Vice President of Technofrolics from 1999 to 2001. In 2001 he started DM Design, offering engineering consulting services to businesses in the Boston area. He moved to the Seattle area and was recruited to Sea-Bird Electronics by Ken Lawson as Senior Electrical Engineer in 2003, and served as Principal Engineer of Sea-Bird Electronics from 2004 to 2009.

After leaving Sea-Bird and starting a family, he has reaffirmed his commitment to serving the oceanographic and marine community and looks forward to many years of innovation and service as president of Soundnine.



Bio: Doug Bennett, Vice President

Doug has more than 30 years of experience in international oceanographic instrumentation sales, marketing and product development. His technical specialties include instrumentation for temperature, conductivity (salinity) pressure, dissolved oxygen, currents, and related water quality parameters, and their application to ocean measurement platforms including ships, buoys, AUVs and gliders.

From 2010-2013, he served as Vice President at Sound Ocean Systems, a Seattle area marine equipment engineering and fabrication company.  Previously, he served as Engineering Sales Manager for Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue WA. (1990-2010), and sales engineer at RD Instruments, San Diego CA. (1986-1990). He held early career positions in value-added electronic components distribution and sales management, electronics manufacturing and production control.  He is a US Navy veteran with training in electronics, sonar operation, ASW tactics, and helicopter search and rescue.